Government & NGOs

Courses and Programs

New Course

Introduction to Natural Capital & Environmental Markets for NRM and related officers

This course is relevant for individuals that:

  • Provide advice to and support land managers and farmers with natural capital, environmental market, natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, land care and related areas.

  • Develop (or assist) policy and/or legislation for natural capital, environmental market, natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, land care and related areas.

  • Develop and/or administer natural capital and environmental market mechanisms. 

  • Develop and/or deliver programs and projects related to the above areas.

  • Manage individuals and teams responsible for the above areas.

Environmental Markets Leadership Program

About the program

The Environmental Markets Leadership Program is designed to inspire and support a network of land managers and farmers with the knowledge, skills, confidence and aspirations to play a leading role in environmental markets. It will support them to identify, market and benefit from the sustainable land management and environmental services they generate. This will increase the protection, restoration and enhancement of our environment and future-proof land and farm productivity, resilience, and profitability.

The program will:

  • Create a network and community of practice of leaders from the agriculture and land management sector that will inspire and support each other on their natural capital and environmental market journey

  • Build their knowledge and skills in the fundamentals of natural capital, ecosystem services, environmental services and related market based mechanisms

  • Encourage participants to envision the future role of land managers and farmers in protecting, restoring and enhancing natural capital, ecosystem services and environmental services

  • Build the confidence of participants to drive the development of new and innovative private market mechanisms and influence existing regulated market mechanisms

  • Connect participants with environmental market stakeholders

  • Encourage and support the network to engage the broader agricultural and land management community

  • Use a behaviour change approach to create behavioural and systemic change

In the long-term, the program aims to catalyse a transition to a new era of innovative agriculture and land management where protecting and enhancing natural capital and ecosystem services is part of everyday operations.

For more information download the program explainer…

Interested in providing the program in your area?

The Environmental Markets Leadership Program is currently offered in NSW and we would like to expand the program and network to other states and territories. The program design and approach can be modified to meet your specific needs.

To discuss providing the Environmental Markets Leadership Program in your State, Territory or Region get in touch with the EMLP Team.